Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Altoona and Pleasant Hill

OK, so Altoona and Pleasant Hill might not really qualify for these excursions, but we were squeezed for time in November. We were going to at least try out a new restaurant, but the place we wanted to go (Now and Later) was closed... so we headed to Bianchi Boys Pizza in Altoona.


It was not new to the Glann Family, but it was new to us Reids. The pizza was good, I thought. Thin, crispy crust. We had the whole back room to ourselves, always a bonus with our crew. Wally got his own cheese-less pizza, and we also had a Hawaiian and a Gumba.

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After pizza, we headed into Pleasant Hill for some bowling at Premier Bowling. We had a great time, along with the trials and tribulations of bowling with two 5 year olds, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old. I bowled a few frames with her on my back, and some while nursing. The Glanns kicked our butts in terms of scores.

Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns 11/8 Bowling with Glanns

Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns
Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns

Bowling with Glanns

Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns

Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns Bowling with Glanns

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